I took this photo in the garden at the church grounds at Carrigaline, Co.Cork over the weekend. We are moving more into autumn and these berries really caught my eye with their lovely colours

On This Day 

On Oct 9th 2022 the brightest cosmic explosion ever seen happened on this day last year. Scientists say it happened 2.4 billion light years away and is thought to have been a massive star collapsing to form a black hole in a 1 in 10,000 year event.

Birthdays Today

David Cameron (UK Politican) is 57

and if John Lennon was alive it would have been his birthday today

Saint For Today

Today October 9th is the feast of Saint John Henry Newman

Significance Of Today

Today is World Post Day. Despite the fact that so much communication is by email today, our postal services are still very much valued and important. There is nothing like receiving a letter from someone and we know also how important the delivery of parcels has become with the increase in online shopping.

Interesting Quote for Today

“In a world filled with texts and emails, receiving a handwritten letter is like finding a rare treasure.” ~Author Unkown

Did You Know😇

Did you know we receive on average about 500 pieces of junk mail per house every year. All of this adds up to so many trees needlessly getting cut down to create junk. A sign saying ‘No Junk Mail’ next to your letter box is a good start to reduce this problem.

Thought For The week

“Use your smile to change the world but don’t let the world change your smile.”  ~Author Unknown

Last Friday was World Smile Day. Sometimes all it takes to make a day a bit better is a simple smile, whether someone gives it to you or if it’s one you share with someone else. Whether it’s just a simple compliment, a cheery hello or a word of thanks, it will always generate a smile.

Sometimes we take our smile for granted but your smile most certainly is beautiful and always makes a difference. Very simply when we frown there is fear and when we smile there is love present. They say smiling is one of the best beauty remedies that costs absolutely nothing.

Scientists tell us that smiling lowers your heart beat and reduces stress levels. They also tell us that smiling can lift your mood and lengthen your life expectancy. Smiling is also contagious and we can recognise a smile on someone’s face up to 300 feet away.

In relation to our Gospel stories it is my firm belief that Jesus smiled a lot. We don’t have photos of course but I am fully convinced that he had the most beautiful smile. People always warmed to him and connected with him straight away. This could only have happened because of his beautiful smile.

I now do the sign of peace at Mass by saying ‘With just a wave, we will offer each other the sign of peace as a sign of the importance of community and the importance of coming together.’ What happens is just beautiful. Everyone as they wave are smiling at each other. It goes beyond words.

World Smile Day encourages us to keep smiling. Nobody else has your beautiful smile and your smile makes a beautiful difference every single day.