The mini rainbow over Clara mountain caught my eye over the weekend looking across from Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork

On This Day
On October 16th Karol Józef Wojtyła of Poland was elected Pope. He assumed the name John Paul II and was the first non-Italian pontiff in 455 years.

On October 16th 2004 17-year old Lionel Messi made his league debut for FC Barcelona

On October 16th 2022 Nigeria experienced its worst floods in a decade, displacing more than 1.3 million people

Birthdays Today

Loreen (Swedish singer best known for winning the 2012 and 2023 Eurovision Song Contest) is 40

Saint For Today

Today October 16th is Saint Gerard Majella the founder of the Redemptorists

Significance of Today

Today Oct 16th is World Food Day. It is not only about celebrating the amazing food that people have the privilege of eating, but it is about raising awareness for people who do not have such privilege. People all over the world who suffer from hunger. Starvation is a massive problem in a number of countries, and we need to do more to raise awareness about this huge inequality.

Quote For Today

“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.”  ~James Beard

Did You Know
Did you know that the worlds most disliked vegetable is one of the best for you. Brussels sprouts may be disliked but it’s among the most nutritious vegetables out there.  It is packed full of vitamins and minerals, has virtually no calories, no fat, no cholesterol, and it fills you up. The good news is that it also has an anti-oxidant that has shown to be anti-inflammatory and could fight cancer.

Video for the week🎥  (Updated every Tuesday)

Thought For The week

God does not ask for our ability or our inability but our availability.’ ~Author Unknown

This weekend we watched some amazing quarter final games in the World Cup Rugby. Ireland v New Zealand and France v South Africa were simply wonderful to watch. Ireland were so close to beating New Zealand and the same can be said of France who were so close to beating South Africa also. The ability of these teams to create such excitement deserve huge credit and praise for what they have done.

When it comes to ourselves it is true that we sometimes focus on our inabilities rather than our abilities. How often we have heard, “I’m no good at that.” What a pity. If only we had more inner belief and the confidence to hear that inner voice within each of us saying, “I can and I will do it.” For every one thing we could be better at, there are many things that we are so good at.

So maybe a simple question to ask this week is: How can I give some of my time to doing even one thing I enjoy and something I know I’m good at? Can I believe that even one simple thing has the potential to make the world of a difference? Can I make myself available to make this moment happen?

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday