Yesterday we celebrated Mission Sunday and the photo today ties in with our Thought For The Week below. Picture is from Pixabay

On This Day

On October 23rd 1998 American singer Britney Spears launched her pop career with her huge hit ‘Baby One More Time’

On October 23rd 2001 Apple introduced the iPod, a portable media player that became one of the most successful and revolutionary products of the early 2000s.

On October 23rd 2015 Adele released her single ‘Hello’  and becomes 1st song with more than a million downloads in its first week

Birthdays Today

Ryan Reynolds (Movie Actor) is 47

If Pele was alive it would have been his birthday today

Saint For Today

Today October 21st is the feast of Saint John of Capistrano

Significance of Today

Today October 23rd is International Snow Leopard Day. These beautiful  animals prowl the mountains with grace and power, their stunning coats blending seamlessly into the snowy landscape. These animals are distributed sparsely across 12 different countries in Central Asia. They tend to be found in rugged, high mountain landscapes, at elevations between 3,000 and 4,500m. But their declining numbers due to loss of prey and poaching, has created cause for concern and that is why the spotlight is on them today.

Quote For Today

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between people and nature shall not be broken.”
~Leo Tolstoy

Did You Know

Did you know that the paws of a snow leopard are wide and are covered with fur. They act as natural snowshoes, helping to distribute its weight over soft snow and protect it from the cold. They can also cover the distance of a marathon in one night.

Video for the week🎥  (Updated every Wednesday🎥)

A Daily Prayer

Thought For The week

Mission statements have become very popular. Almost every organisation, whether a club, society, church, school, or hospital have their own Mission statements. It puts the focus on what they are about. As an example most sporting organisations would include the enjoyment, recreation and wellbeing of all members of the club.

It is always good to put our sense of mission before us as a reminder of what we are about. This is what we do every year when we celebrate Mission Sunday which was celebrated all over the world yesterday.

So what are we about? Mission Sunday is a celebration of you. It is a celebration of how your life touches others in ways you may not even be aware of. Mission Sunday celebrates the uniqueness of every single person no matter what their beliefs or background. It is a day set aside each year to celebrate so many good and positive faith stories all over the world.

God’s presence is to be found in so many countries, cultures and different walks of life. Mission is not just about celebrating God’s story in one particular area of the world but that somehow every country and person is connected in some way.

This year we are particularly shocked by what is happening in the Middle East. The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is complex and worrying. These are the lands that Jesus once walked in. He was a man of peace and hope and his message is even more relevant during these troubled times.

Mission Sunday reminds us not to lose hope. Mission Sunday is a celebration of you and your something special. Every time we share love or do something good for someone else, we are already a missionary. We are asked this weekend to pray for all missionaries and all countries across the world. In particular special prayers are asked for peace in the Middle East and the other troubled parts of our world. Mission Sunday means we are all connected. Our prayers today and this week of Mission are also connected and make a real and lasting difference.

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday