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I hope you have a nice relaxing day whatever your plans are!

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Video for this week

Thought For The Week

Yesterday we celebrated the Epiphany and the story of the wise men visiting Jesus and it is always celebrated on January 6th. It is a beautiful feast day and is celebrated in many parts of the world. Here in Cork, we also of course celebrate Women’s Little Christmas or Nollaig na mBan.

The story of the Epiphany is probably one of the best known scripture stories and in how they followed a very bright star. It is certain that they were the first astrologers and a leading group in exploring the wonders of our amazing universe that we now know is 13.6 billion years old.

The journey of the wise men was slow reminding us how important it is to take our time with many things in life. Sometimes in life we need to slow down and less is often more. As they followed the star, they has a sense that our universe is so much bigger than our tiny world. For the wise men they knew there was something more to this life. It was not random and for them the real meaning of life was to be found with Jesus.

One part of the story that I like is how they were warned in a dream to go home a different way as King Herod wanted them arrested. They followed their inner voice or their sixth sense and went home a different way. There is a beautiful message for us too, that sometimes its ok to try something different. Sometimes what’s old and stale is no longer life giving. And it’s good to step aside, start anew, and try a different approach.

And finally, may the story of the epiphany, encourage you to try something different and especially as we start a new year. May you also have the courage to give it a go. As we begin to settle into the new year, I pray every blessing on you going forward.

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday