I took this photo of the beautiful light entering the woods at Tullig, near Millstreet, Co.Cork

On This Day 

On May 18th 2001 The comedy Shrek with voices provided by Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz, among others, was released. It went on to become the first movie to win an academy award for best animated feature.

On May 18th 2023 Harrison Ford who is the main actor in the ‘Indiana Jones’ films was recognised for his input. He was given an honorary Palme d’Or lifetime achievement award at the Cannes Film Festival in France

Birthday’s Today🎂

Jack Johnson (Singer/songwriter) is 49

John Higgins (Snooker Player) is also 49

Significance Of Today

Today May 18th is International Museum Day. Few places in our world are more educational than museums. After all, where else could we hope to see so many pieces of actual history that tell so many stories about our ancestors? Many museums also have local information and knowledge, which would ultimately have been lost only for their presence.  Unfortunately there are some who have never visited a museum and the main reason given is that they think it will be boring. But any museum can best be described as a sacred place and give us a glimpse into life as it was for the generations who have gone before us.

Today in many parishes First Holy Communion Masses are taking place again. Again we congratulate everyone involved.

Quote For Today

‘Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.’ ~Charles M Schulz

Saint For Today

Today is the feast day of St John 1st who was a Pope

Did You Know😇

Women buy 96% of all candles produced. According to a survey, 4% of men who buy candles are either buying it as a gift or for a female they are related to.

Thought For The Week

With the lovely fine sunny weather that we have been getting over the past few days, many are working in their gardens and planning for the weeks ahead. We also have lots of Communion Masses also taking place in many parishes and so the second reflection here is also appropriate.

Gardening Reflection called ‘In Your Garden’

In your garden you forget about that unkind thing that someone said.
When you are busy pulling weeds out of the border bed, you forget the petty things that set your nerves on edge. When you’re turning up the soil or clipping the hedge, you forget the unfair way that someone treated you.

When you get out in the garden for an hour or two, it is strange how quickly you forget your wants and woes. When you’re planting seedlings out or tying up a rose, you forget the cares that make you feel like you’re growing old.

When you see the green new shoots come pushing through, troubles that looked big indoors will suddenly seem small. When you’re working in the garden, you tend to forget them all.

First Communion Reflection called ‘Jesus Is’

Jesus is in every face. He is in every laugh. He is in every tear.  Jesus is in every heart. He is at every Mass. He is present for every celebration.

Jesus is in every person. He is in the eyes of every young child. He is with the hurt and those who are lonely. Jesus is in every mind. He is with a new born baby and with those who are dying.

Jesus is in every squeal of joy. He is in the beauty of nature. He is present wherever we are. Jesus is the reason why. Jesus is my friend. Jesus is our friend.

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday