(I had the wrong photo up yesterday to mark World Bee Day so here is Take 2!)

I took this photo on Sunday afternoon at Altamount, Millstreet, Co.Cork. A honeybee is busy gathering nectar and pollen from a flower called the ‘Australian Buttercup’. With beautiful sunshine yesterday afternoon, these flowers were covered in honeybees and it was a lovely sight.

On This Day

On May 21st 1927 Charles Lindbergh, created history when he landed in Paris after the first solo air crossing of Atlantic

On May 21st 1932 there was more aviation history. After flying for 17 hours from Newfoundland, Amelia Earhart lands near Derry in Northern Ireland, having completed the 1st transatlantic solo flight by a woman

On May 21st 1981 Reggae musician Bob Marley receives a Jamaican state funeral

Birthday’s Today

Mary Robinson (Former President of Ireland) is 80
Leo Sayer (Singer) is 76

Significance of Today

Yesterday was World Bee Day (May 20th)

Bees make a world of a difference in pollinating so many flowers in our gardens and countryside. Many of the foods we eat each day is thanks to the work of our bees. We are also aware that our bees are under severe pressure due to declining habitats and a huge increase in pesticides. You can play your part to help our bees. Here are a few simple tips:

(1) Plant a section of your garden especially for the bees. Most gardening centres now have ‘Bee Friendly’ labels on flowers and plants. Those who work in these garden centres will be more than happy to give advice to you on what are the best plants to attract bees. Lavender is popular but there are many other plants that are well suited to your garden.

(2) STOP using chemical sprays in your garden. Do you really need to spray the weeds with chemicals that are horrible to our bees? Always remember a weed is a flower in the wrong place. A bit of digging and hand pulling is the best way to remove unwanted weeds. There is no safe chemical.

(3) When mowing your garden why not leave a section unmown. This will give flowers a chance to grow and mature for the bees. Clover is a really good example.

(4) In parishes do we have to mow every part of the church grounds? Could we not dedicate a section to Bio Diversity. We could also plant suitable wild flowers to attract the bees. Yes it may look a bit rough on the edges but putting up a few signs saying: ‘This part of our church grounds is for the bees’ will make a difference. So instead of others thinking you are lazy at not cutting the grass – they will be impressed with the efforts you are making as a parish community in helping bio diversity.

(5) It is the small things and the small changes we do that will make the biggest difference. Continue to BEE the difference!!

My Latest Video🎥

I will be uploading my new video in the next few days and in the meantime here is one from the archives: It is simply called ‘Take Time’

Thought For The Week

We  celebrated Pentecost Sunday yesterday. There are many images in both scripture and tradition that help us to understand the meaning of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In the Old Testament we have the Hebrew word ‘Ruach’ to describe the Holy Spirit, which means the breath of God.
In the New Testament when Jesus was baptised, we are told that the Spirit of God descended on him as a dove. Then on Pentecost Sunday, we are told that the Holy Spirit  descended on the disciples as tongues of fire, changing their fear into faith, hope and courage.
In our Celtic tradition, the Holy Spirit is not represented as a peaceful dove but as a wild goose. The wild goose reveals the Holy Spirit as passionate, protective, full of courage and determination. What a beautiful collection of different images to describe the Holy Spirit. If you were to narrow it all down, it means that the Holy Spirit works in many different ways through each of us. It also means that the Holy Spirit is especially with us in the very ordinary moments of our everyday lives.
This week as we celebrate Pentecost, we pray for an outpouring of God’s energy and God’s spirit into our lives. We pray for courage, hope, resilience, light, determination, protection, healing, peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and so much more. Amen.

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday