Today we celebrate Candlemas Day – February 2nd. Candles are blessed in all Churches today. It also a time to celebrate your beautiful light. I have just posted a new video below called ‘Celebrate Your Light’

A Prayer of Hope to Saint Brigid’ : Brigid you were a special person and an inspiration to so many. You stood up for those who needed a voice. You brought light and hope to so many. You were a woman of love and you were close to nature and the heartbeat of God. Your cross has become so symbolic. It is a sign of hope, a sign of strength and a sign that everything in our world and universe is connected. The centre of your cross is symbolic of the presence of God. Everything comes from the centre and everything is possible when our starting point is at the centre. May we recognise our centre. May we feel the blessings of light, hope, peace, courage and strength. May we grow each day into the person God has created us to be, both in mind, body and spirit. Amen

Video for the Week🎥 

This is my new video called ‘Celebrate Your Light’

The video below is also connected with ‘Candlemas Day and it is called ‘Celebrating Candlemas Day’

Yesterday was February 1st and it was the feast of Saint Brigid and this video is simply called ‘A Prayer To Saint Brigid’

If you would like to see a selection of my other videos on YouTube you are welcome to have a look at some of them here:

This video I made last week and it is called ‘Finding quiet time even for a few minutes’.

Spiritual Thought For The Week

A prayer for guidance and blessing:
Loving God I ask you to be with me on this day. I don’t know what lies ahead of me today but I ask you to be with me. Give me the strength and courage to get through everything as best I can. I ask you to hold me in my fears, worries and frustrations. Help me to see clearly the things that matter and the things that don’t. Help me to use every gift I have, remembering that it is from you. May your presence in my life give me a generous and open heart, making me an instrument of peace and love in whatever choice I make. Help me to use these days as a time to make good positive choices in everything I do.
I would also like to include any person who needs a prayer, a word of encouragement, help or guidance at this time. For anyone who finds life a struggle, please give them the inner strength to keep going. When I have doubts, questions, uncertainties or worries, hold me in your special care. Even if today is not a great day or if I feel I messed up, help me to restart and get going again. Whatever may happen, all I need to know is that there is nothing that you or I can’t handle together today. Amen

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday