Photo was taken at Jerry Collins Tyre Centre, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

A nest of swallows wait patiently for food to arrive

Thought on Thursday – August – 31/07/2014

Thought For The Week

‘The be-all and end-all of life should not to be to get rich, but to enrich the world. ~ B. C. Forbes

The European Juggling Convention took place in Millstreet all last week and it was an outstanding success. To have so many happy, smiling and friendly visitors for the week was indeed a blessing. The benefits of juggling are many. It is very good for the mind and improving concentration. Juggling also has spiritual significance. We juggle lots of things in life, between things we have to do, family commitments, work commitments, things we’d like to do and so on. Sometimes it’s very difficult to juggle everything in life and sometimes we juggle too much. But every good juggler finds the balance with the number of things they can juggle comfortably. Once you go beyond that balance, everything falls to the ground.

As we juggle lots of things in life, our faith helps us to find the balance. Our faith and our belief in a loving God, brings meaning and fulfilment to our lives. Our faith is special and our Gospel compares it to a treasure hidden in a field. It is so precious that the person who finds it is willing to sell everything for it. So today and this coming week we thank God for that precious gift of faith. Juggling isn’t easy but once you find the balance it is so much easier. Life isn’t easy at times too but we thank God for what we believe in, making life much more manageable and bearable.

Thought For The Week is update each Monday