Photo was taken by Kurt Bouda from Pixabay

This is the Willow Flower and always comes into full flower during the month of April. It is very benefical for all types of bees and is a wonderufl source of pollen and nectar. The flowers are to be found on a Willow Tee and this tree can be grown easily in a garden. They will never grow too big and are suitable for many gardens. Your local gardening centre will guide you to what is suitable for your garden. I highly recommend the Willow.

Thought For The Week

‘One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon – instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.’ ~Dale Carnegie

A young man went to a Rabbi and asked, “How can I love God with my whole heart, since I see that there are bad parts in my heart too.” The Rabbi replied, “Well it seems you will have to love God with the bad parts too!”

We are often our own worst critics. We put ourselves down easy. We seldom give ourselves enough credit for all the roses blooming in our own lives. We tend to see the bad parts first and we almost magnify them. We allow them to choke out the roses. It’s time to throw away the magnifying glass as we journey through Holy Week. Yes we all have faults, weaknesses and limitations but we don’t have to magnify them.