Photo was taken on the outskirts of Bandon, Co.Cork (Irl)

Today may be April Fool’s Day but there is no fooling about in the potential of these flowers. They are part of the white cherry tree which is about to burst into flower during these early days of April.

Thought on Tuesday – April – 01/04/2008

‘Most of the things in life are simple and only the wise understand them’ ~PaulCoelho

A big cosmetics company in Japan faced the embarrassment of selling a soap box that was bought empty by a consumer. When a few more of them were returned the authorities tried to sort out the problem. A massive amount of money was spent on x-ray machines in the factory line with high resolution monitors to keep an eye on any box that was empty. The system demanded extra workers and was still open to human error. When a small company faced the same problem, they went out to their local hardware shop, bought an electrical fan and pointed it at the passing boxes. Any one that was empty was blown to one side! Today may be April Fool’s Day but we don’t have to be a fool to know that the best and most important things in life are often found in small and simple packages.