Photo was taken at Tooreenbawn, Millstreet, Co.Cork (Irl)

There is a lovely stretch to the evenings now as we head towards the end of January. A January sunset brings out the beauty and colour of the moment.

Thought on Saturday – January – 23/01/2010

‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you came to birth I consecrated you. I for my part today will make you into a fortified city, a pillar of iron and a wall of bronze to confront everything. Nothing shall overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you.’ ~Jeremiah (1:4-5. 17-18)

Everyone is talking about the state of our roads after the big freeze up. There are potholes everywhere making driving and cycling hazardous. In our own lives too we have to negotiate many potholes. Problems, worries, difficulties, ill health or an ongoing crisis all make up a collection of hazardous potholes. From a spiritual point of view we are reminded just how much we are loved and cherished by God. This didn’t happen today or yesterday but happened long before we were even born. We were marked out as special, unique and important. We may fret, worry and fear about many things and yet God reminds us that we will be strengthened for any challenge, difficulty or pothole that that lies ahead.