Photo was taken at Mijas, southern Spain

The summer months in Spain can be hot with temperatures often in the mid thirties. The landscape as a result is barren and is a big change from the green fields in Ireland! But despite little rain, some plants and flowers flourish like the one in our photo today. It flowers abundantly during the month of July.

Thought on Tuesday – August – 02/08/2011

‘August with its clouds of scented blooms, August with corn plants standing like rows of soldiers, August with shimmering memories hanging like drops of dew, August a blessed harvest of memories’ ~from a poem by Mary Naylor

August was originally named in honour of the Roman emperor Augustus. No other month starts on the same day of the week as August. The only exception to this is the month of February during a leap year. August also ends on the same day of the week as November and is one of seven months with a length of 31 days. August is a month when many take a holiday and is usually very relaxed ahead of schools reopening next month. Many festivals, community activities and sporting events happen during August. The only thing that’s needed to bring a smile to everyone is some sunshine! We pray today that everyone will have a nice relaxed month, that the weather will be nice and that we will have plenty of chances to be out and about during the coming weeks. We pray for guidance and direction in all our plans for this month and from the poem above, may we be blessed with a harvest of memories.