Photo was taken at Fitzgerald’s Park, Cork (Irl)

Another sign that spring has arrived are the catkins. They gently sway in the breeze, really stand out and are a great source of pollen for the honey bees so early in the year.

Thought on Saturday – March – 10/03/2012

‘If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.’ ~Maria Edgeworth

At the end of the month our clocks will be going forward one hour. Our
recent leap day at the end of February meant an extra day had to be added to keep in sync with the earth’s rotation around the sun. There is another clock called the Atomic clock that just scientists use. They occasionally add a leap second to their Atomic clocks, making that particular month one sixtieth of a second longer. Why is that a
just a fraction of a second could make such a difference. A lot of navigation use satellite signals today. Apparently an error as tiny as a millionth of a second could mean a position error of up to half a kilometre. That’s ok if you are a ship out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but if you are a big plane about to land it makes a crucial difference and has to be corrected. Once this adjustment is
made to Atomic clocks, everything works away grand. The key message here is that as we journey through Lent, it is good to know that it’s all about making small changes that could make all the difference. It’s not always about huge sweeping changes but making small adjustments that often make the world of a difference.