Photo was taken at the Catholic Church of Notre-Dame, Vernon, France

This rose particularly stood out in front of the altar in the beautiful Notre-Dame church in Vernon

Thought on Saturday – February – 02/02/2013

‘It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.’ ~
Aristotle Onassis

Today (Feb 2nd) is Candlemas Day. Like many Christian celebrations its roots lie deep in pagan times. The date lies half way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is a time of transition from winter into spring. Apparently in Ireland daylight increases by 2 minutes each day. This might not seem much but put a few days together and you can really see the difference.

On the Christian calendar it was renamed ‘Candlemas’ to mark the presentation of Jesus in the temple. It is a day that is rich in meaning and symbolism. We live in a world that is often darkened by evil and darker forces. The shooting dead of Garda Adrian Donohoe while on duty by armed raiders last weekend was a grim reminder of such forces. We believe that the light of Christ is powerful and strong enough to wipe out all forms of darkness. This light knows no limits or boundaries. It’s a light that is never forced but when we choose to be open to this light, great things begin to happen. Today we invite this light into our lives, into our darker corners and wherever such light is most needed at the moment.