Photo was taken at Kealkil, West Cork (Irl)

The flowering currant is in full flower at the moment. Despite the rain that was falling when the photo was taken, it has a beauty of its own. With the season that is in it I have called it an ‘Easter Drop’.

Thought on Monday – April – 08/04/2013

‘Courage is the way to reclaiming our lives. It is doing the thing we don’t like in order to achieve what we most want. Courage is not acting without fear; rather it is acting in spite of fear.’ ~Jim Cogley

One interesting repeating thread in the Gospel Resurrection stories is how fear gripped the disciples and closest followers of Jesus. Everything was just happening so quickly for them, there was much uncertainty and a genuine fear of the unknown. Jesus appeared to them again, reassured them and calmed their fears. Thomas is probably the one who needed reassurance the most and his doubts reflect our questions and uncertainties too. But Jesus was the one who gave him courage and hope. It allowed Thomas to go forward not without fear but to go forward in spite of fear. This same invitation is also extended to each of us too. This is at the heart of the Easter message. There will always be darkness, uncertainties and lots of the unknown. But Jesus is the one who gives us reason why and the reason to keep going despite everything.