Photo was taken at Fota Wildlife Park, near Cobh, Co.Cork (Irl)

A duck shows how to get the most of a bath time in a lovely pose!
(Our photos this week are from photographer Jim McSweeney who is based in North West Cork.)

Thought on Thursday – May – 09/05/2013

‘Behind every face there is a unique world that no one else can see. This is the mystery of individuality. The shape of each soul is different. No one else feels your life the way you do. No one else sees or hears the world as you do. The creation of the individual is a divine masterpiece.’ ~John O’Donohue

It is nearly an impossible task to get across our own uniqueness, our individuality and what we have to give. God has given us a unique fingerprint, a unique DNA identity and has given us something special to do in this world. If someone else could do it they would be here and not us. But so often we run away, we hide and we say we’re not ready, we’re no good and let somebody else do what needs to be done. But only we can do it. Our contribution is hugely important. As we journey through these weeks of Easter the invitation is to begin to believe and especially in ourselves. God always believes in our potential, our progress, our contribution and our longing to be the best person we can be. No one can ever take that from us.