A goat seems highly amused as it’s photo is taken. Definitely a great photo for a caption competition!
(Our photos this week are from photographer Jim McSweeney who is based in North West Cork.)

Thought on Friday – May – 10/05/2013

‘Don’t give up. There are too many nay-sayers out there who will try to discourage you. Don’t listen to them. The only one who can make you give up is yourself.’ ~Sidney Sheldon

There are many passages in scripture that share stories about people who grew weary and discouraged but somehow never gave up and kept going. The story of the Hebrew people is one of the finest examples. We are told they grew impatient as they made their way to the promised land. The journey they undertook was dangerous, time consuming and difficult. There were many times when they wanted to turn back but they didn’t and they finally got their reward and the story recalls how it was God who their inspiration. There is another well known story about the stonecutter who works away on a large piece of rock with a hammer. Blow after blow the stonecutter works away and nothing seems to be happening. A hundred blows and still nothing but on the hundred and first try the stone would crack. With that crack the stonecutter knew it wasn’t that blow that did it but the cumulutative effect of the hundred blows before it. When nothing seems to be happening for us it can be very discouraging. We are encouraged to keep going because every effort is never wasted.