I think everyone is genuinely looking forward to 2021 and new beginnings and fresh hope

Thought on Tuesday – December – 29/12/2020

‘Christmas is the day that holds all time together.’ ~ Alexander Smith

I am always fascinated by the variety of Christmas cribs. No matter what church you visit, every crib is different, the crib figures seem unique to that crib, the way the crib is laid out, the background, the backdrop and the colours created because of lighting and so on. This Christmas with so many severe restrictions, many will not be able to attend Christmas Mass like other years. But the option of visiting your local church and the crib at some quiet time over the Christmas is one that has appeal for many. Even with the much tighter restrictions at the moment, churches will still remain open for you to visit.

The variety of Christmas cribs is a reminder how all our stories are different and unique. There are so many different things going on for all of us. We all have our own challenges and difficulties to face including Covid 19. The Christmas crib reminds us that everyone is welcome, including you, your story and all that is going on for you. No one is ever excluded from God’s welcome.

Yes all cribs are different but the one common link between them all is God’s amazing love for each of us. You are special, included and loved by God this Christmas. Nothing can or ever will come between God’s special love for you. We are good at building walls, barriers and divisions. You will find none of these at the Christmas crib. If you get a chance do visit your local crib this Christmas. It will be there for the next three weeks. Let it’s beauty and simplicity pull you in. Let God’s love touch you as well. Wishing you a Happy Christmas and every blessing for the New Year.

I also have a Christmas message on YouTube: Here is the link https://youtu.be/hBcBQih8G2U