There is nothing like the taste of your own freshly made pancakes. I hope you get a chance to make some today!

As we start of March there are a number of special days happening! Each of these days has its own unique traditions and many of the rituals involved can lead us to reflect on life and our faith journey. Today is called Pancake Tuesday also known as Shrove Tuesday

I have a short video up today to mark Pancake/Shrove Tuesday (Just copy and paste Thanks!)
More about Pancake Tuesday in our Thought For Today below

Thought on Tuesday – March – 01/03/2022

So what is Pancake Tuesday? (Shrove Tuesday) It is always the day before Ash Wednesday. It has a long history going back many years. Lent starts on Ash Wednesday which is a time of renewal, a time to make an effort spiritually and a time of fasting or a time to give something up. So the day before Ash Wednesday became more important as the years went on. It was a time to use up all the excess sweet stuff, the extra stores and the rich sweet food. People made pancakes to use up the extra flour and milk. And so the tradition of Pancake Tuesday began.

A prayer to mark the day:

Loving God,

The simple ingredients of a pancake remind me also of the simple things in life.

Milk, flour and eggs will not make the headlines on their own but put them together and you get a beautiful pancake.

Help me to do things in my life in the spirit of simplicity.
Help me to mix in enough love, kindness and goodness to make a difference each day.

May today focus me on my Lenten journey which starts tomorrow.

Where ever that journey may take me, help me to keep it simple and to take it one step at a time.
