This was Torc Waterfall, near Killarney last evening at 6pm. There was lots of rain during the day from Storm Agnes which swept through Ireland as the first of the powerful winter storms

On This Day 

On September 28th 2020 the total recorded global deaths from Covid 19  toll passed 1 million

Birthdays Today

Finbarr Furer (Irish Musician and Singer) is 77

St.Vincent (Pop Singer) is 41

Significance Of Today

Today is World Maritime Day. More than 80% of the world’s global trade is transported through international shipping. That means that most of the consumer goods that enter business and homes all over the world were shipped to get there. As the most affordable and efficient form of transportation for goods, maritime activity continues to be a vital part of the world’s trade industry.

As we come to the end of September just to say it has been dedicated as Friendship Month. It is all about highlighting the importance of what friends mean and celebrating what friendship brings to all of our lives every day. There is still plenty of time left this month to make contact with a friend that we may not have contacted in a while.

Interesting Quote for Today

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” ~Aristotle

Did You Know😇

Did you know that goosebumps are caused by a muscle. At the base of every hair follicle are tiny fan-shaped muscles called Arrector pili. These muscles contract when the body is cold in an effort to warm the body up and cause a person’s hair to “stand up straight” on their skin aka goosebumps.

Saint For Today

Today is the feast day of Saint Wenceslaus who was a central European ruler who died at the hands of his brother while seeking to strengthen the Catholic faith in his native Bohemia.

Video For The Week🎥

Thought For The Week

“The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them.” ~Anonymous

I went to the ploughing last week in Co. Laois. It was a great day out but I have never seen so much mud and it was everywhere! Despite the presence of a metal floor track to walk through the main sections, one would have been completely lost without a pair of wellies. It was just essential wear and once you had a pair you could simply walk through every pool of mud knowing you were dry. It reminds me of the gift of faith and the importance of believing in something. Like a pair of wellies it especially helps you when conditions are difficult. Our faith also helps us through good days but especially when life is difficult and challenging.

Last Monday  (September 25th) was the feast of St. Finbarr. He is the patron saint of Cork and has very close ties with Gougane Barra in West Cork. This year marks the 1,400th anniversary of the death of St. Finbarr making today a significant day. The world that Finbarr lived in was radically different to the one we live in now. The world back then was much less complicated, life was lived simply with fewer distractions. But they too had their challenges and difficulties. Finbarr believed strongly that God was the one who gave us hope and strength to get us through everything.

This was the message that he brought from Gougane Barra to the people of Cork and beyond. His message is still so relevant today. It is also lovely that the feast of Saint Finbarr occurs during the Season of Creation which always happens during September. The Season of Creation encourages us to get out and about to appreciate the beauty of creation and to sense God’s presence in the beauty of nature. We can of course do it anywhere but a beautiful place to do it is of course Gougane Barra.

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday