It’s all happening with Ash Wednesday today. I have just posted a new video called

‘Ash Wednesday – What it’s all about’ which can be seen below

Lent 2024 and Ash Wednesday falls this year on today Wednesday February 14th. Ash Wednesday and Lent beginning on Valentine’s Day is a rare occurance. The last time this happened was back in 2018. Before that it has happened three times in the last century – 1923, 1934 and 1945 and it will happen again in 2029 for the final time this century.

For Catholics across the world it is a special spiritual day. The tradition of wearing the ashes on this day has appeal across all age groups. The ashes are a reminder of our mortality and that we are merely pilgrims passing through this world. The ashes remind us that we are all equal in God’s eyes. The ashes are an outward symbol that we are are not perfect and that we are human but very importantly they also remind us that we are uniquely special and loved by God. The ashes remind us that we are beginning this important journey through Lent.

Video for the Week 🎥

This is the new video called ‘Ash Wednesday What it’s all about’

Thought For The Week

Last Sunday February 11th we marked World Day of the Sick.

It was an important day of healing and prayers for healing were said in every church at the weekend. We all know someone who is sick or in need of healing. If we are honest we also need some healing in our lives. We also remember all our doctors, nurses and caring teams who are doing wonderful work in our hospitals, nursing homes and out and about in our community. We are so grateful for everything they are doing and we would be totally lost without them.

The following is a prayer for healing:

I come to you Jesus as I am and with all that is going on for me. I come with my own story, with my worries and the parts of my life that need healing. I ask you Lord to bless me and to heal me. Give me a sense of hope and purpose. Give me a sense of your love, peace and calm. May I find your light, hope and courage even when I struggle to find it. May your Divine presence within me give me comfort in my weakness and give me strength in my sickness. We pray for our doctors, nurses and all our caring teams May they be blessed for their amazing courage, dedication and patience. And to finish with the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. Amen

The Thought For The Week is updated each Monday