A little duckling takes some time out on a rock and seems quite happy to pose for a lovely photo!

Photo today is from Pixabay

Significance Of This Week

This week is Loneliness Awareness Week. Humans are born to need each other and when a person doesn’t have enough interactions with others, we get lonely. Loneliness is a natural, universal emotion that may ebb and flow but will likely impact every human being at some stage. Even though modern society is more ‘connected’, loneliness is more widespread than ever before. If you know someone might be lonely, you could reach out to someone this week, no matter how small that reaching out might be.

Did You Know Fact

Your heart beats about 115,000 every day.

Prayer Intention

We continue to pray for all those doing the Junior and Leaving Cert Exams today

Thought For The Week

“June is the pearl of summer, shining with warmth and joy.” ~L.M Montgomery

June is such a lovely month. It brings with it its own unique timetable such as the June Bank Holiday weekend, the start of the Junior and Leaving Cert exams, the Primary School day trips before the summer holidays, the summer solstice on June 21st, with an abundance of growth and daylight during this month.

When the weather is sunny and warm, it makes the month of June such a lovely time of year. After many months of rain and poor weather, these are lovely days to get outdoors, to appreciate the beauty of nature all around us and to do some activities that we will enjoy. All of this is so good for the soul. It is part of self care. It is stepping back from the hectic pace of life, to recharge and rest. June is a month of abundance when it comes to nature. May you also receive an abundance of blessings too. Here is a prayer that is appropriate for this month of June.

A Prayer from the book ‘Praying Each Day Of The Year’

Loving God, open us to your Spirit living within us, that we may live fully each day of our lives, particularly during this month of June. Touch us that we may become more aware of all that is around us, growing in a sense of wonder and awe. Help us to appreciate all that we see, hear, touch, taste and smell. May we live in such a way, that we never take anything for granted. May we always be appreciative and express our thanks to those who are part of our lives. Amen

Thought For The Week is updated each Monday